sexta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2012

Today's Mood (one week to go)

Black Heart: Stooshe

Daddy I've fallen for a monster
Somehow he's scaring me to death
He's big and he's bad
I love him like mad
Momma, he's the best I ever had
Daddy I've fallen for a monster
He got a black heart

No walls to build around me honey
'Cause you blew my house down
Sticks and stones won't put it back up for me
And that's where we're at now

2 Comentário(s):

Isabel Mendes 12:29 da manhã, setembro 06, 2012  

Ando doida com esta música!! Adoro!!!

Mary 9:52 da manhã, setembro 06, 2012  

Isabel, no meu pc está em repeat mode :p

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