quinta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2010

De e para meninas...

The Girl Geek Dinners were founded in 2005 by Sarah Blow who got annoyed and frustrated about being one of the only females attending technical events. She started the first dinners in London and by now the word has spread and these events take place all over Europe and the world.

Girl Geek Dinners are social events targeted at women that are passionate about technology, that is, technologists, programmers, researchers, entrepreneurs, digital designers and any girl interested in new technology & social media.

The idea behind these dinners is simple: in a relaxed and informal environment we aim to give women the chance to meet each other and listen to one or two talks about a technical or business topic, or even women issues. Whenever possible, these events are also accompanied with food and drinks and a few souvenirs can also be provided by our sponsors. Men are also welcome to attend the Girl Geek Dinner, but they must have an invitation from a female attending the event!

In Portugal, this group was founded by Vânia Gonçalves and I plan to rotate the dinners around the country to give more women a chance to attend and engage in this community. I am thus constantly looking for interesting speakers and sponsors and venues for the events. If you would like to sponsor a dinner, donate some gadgets and goodies or talk at one of these events, get in touch with me!
(in, PGGD)

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